Dear exchange student at the UH, most of you are probably soon heading home and we would like to thank you for sharing this experience with us!
We hope that you have enjoyed your studies and student life here in Helsinki and will return home with a backpack full of knowledge and great memories!
Important information for returning exchange students
● Check your transcript through WebOodi. Your University of Helsinki username usually works until the end of January. Please save the course descriptions for the credit transfer at your home university as after your UH username expires you won’t be able to login the WebOodi anymore.
● If all of your credits have already been registered before you leave, you can collect your official transcript at the Student Services.
● If you are still missing credits on the transcript you can order your official transcript after you have returned home and all your courses are registered in WebOodi. To order: send an e-mail to studentinfo(at) stating: your student number, your mailing address (i.e. your postal address) and the language in which you want the transcript (Finnish/Swedish/English).
● UH will send one copy of the official transcript to you free of charge. For additional transcripts you need to pay a fee. More information regarding the fees is available here.
● Return a copy of the transcript to your home university’s international office according to their instructions. UH does not send the official transcript automatically to your home university. You need to order the transcript yourself.
● Your credits will remain in the student register of the University of Helsinki in case you need a transcript later on. Information on how to obtain a transcript and the fees are available here.
For Erasmus Students
● If you need a signature and stamp for your Erasmus departure certificate, you will get it at the International Exchange Services office. UH does not have its own departure certificates, so if your university did not give you any forms to sign, the transcript is all you need. Please note that the “end of stay” -date is the day you pick up the certificate or up to a maximum of three days after that.
● You can have your departure certificate signed and stamped at the Student Services desk number 8 (University Main Building, Fabianinkatu 33, 1st floor) on
- 14.12.2015 at 10-15
- 18.12.2015 at 10-15
- Please note that if all of your credits have already been registered before you leave, you can collect your official transcript also during this time from the desk number 8.
● You can find the International Exchange Services outside these times at the University Main Building. Please check the opening hours on our web page.
Give us feedback!
Remember to give us feedback about your stay and read what other students have to say about their study experience at UH!
Encourage other students to come to UH as an exchange student!
We hope that you will tell your fellow students at your home university about your stay in Helsinki. With this you can encourage someone else to come to Helsinki as an exchange student!
The following links may prove useful if you are asked questions on Finland / UH and Helsinki as a place to study.
University of Helsinki on Social Media
How about doing a Master’s Degree at UH?
If you enjoyed your stay at the University of Helsinki and you might consider returning some day, check out our Master’s Degree Programmes from our Degree Finder if you want to join us after graduating from your home university!
Do you have questions about the study options the University of Helsinki offers? As always, we’ll do our best to guide you through the application process. Just contact the Admissions Services – we are happy to help you!
Please note that the next online application for Master’s programmes is open from December 1, 2015 to January 27, 2016.
Helsinki Summer School
If you wish to return to Helsinki for a shorter period you can for instance take part in the Helsinki Summer School courses in August 2016. The Summer School is a highly academic summer session with research-based teaching, but it includes also many fun social events where you can meet other students and get to know more about Finland.